blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsSpring 2016  Vol. 15 No. 1
an online journal of literature and the arts
Adam J. Sorkin
& Lidia Vianu, translating Daniel Bănulescu

Adam J. Sorkin is a translator of contemporary Romanian poetry. His most recent publications include four 2014 books: A Sharp Double-Edged Luxury Object (Červená Barva Press) by Rodica Draghincescu (translated with Antuza Genescu); Gold and Ivy/Aur și iederă (Romania: Editura Eikon) by George Vulturescu (with Olimpia Iacob); and two from Diálogos Books, The Starry Womb by Mihail Gălățanu (with Petru Iamandi and the poet) and The Book of Anger by Marta Petreu (with Christina Zarifopol-Illias and Liviu Bleoca). Sorkin’s translation, with Lidia Vianu, of Marin Sorescu’s The Bridge (Bloodaxe Books, 2004) won the Corneliu M. Popescu Prize for European Poetry Translation. He has been the recipient of several awards for translation including theinaugural Ioan Flora Poetry Festival Prize for Translation (2011).  end

Photo by Nancy Sorkin