A bee to the smell, his eyes rubbing her thighs,
his hands rubbing her thighs.
She’s wearing red, tacked down on the couch like butterfly
to pin board. The way he’s entered her body,
she orgasms for the millions of butterflies as display,
back to life, fly out: Japanese cinema about dreams.
Lips in nonstop motion, moaning:
two lovers outlined in the right corner of Composition V—
all I remembered was that trace,
that trace that extended so deep they smell each other,
feel each other stir in their thoughts
when the crescendo when the glass shatters
and insect-life escapes the room,
and like lovers in Ren Hang, her legs become his arms,
continuously, his shoulder becomes her thigh,
continuously, her belly button becomes his mind—
Othello’s taboo: a beast with two backs.