Anyway and Try to Stay Alive on What It Gives Us
The off-brand dollar store sticky notes adhere
to each other great to anything else in this world
less great. Like us. Sometimes it feels like
the back of a big box store in here (my head)
when you walk up to that wall of TVs all
showing the same scenes. It’s huge but it’s also
lots of little not huge things. You know how
we sound like idiots when we try to say
important things. Well, me at least. Going
shopping together is like living our lives
together. Please don’t tell me about how
they sprayed to kill mosquitoes forgetting
to warn the beekeepers and the bodies are
so high the numbers themselves look obscene.
All those zeroes. All those empty holes in
the honeycomb. I’m going to lose it next to
the mustard with a label just like a leading
national brand. Until you look closely that is.
There are words there but not the ones we need.