Ceci N’est Pas . . .
“I Reject All Likeness . . . ”
La Moustache
John Allman is the author of several books of poetry, including Lowcountry (New Directions, 2007), Loew’s Triboro (New Directions, 2004), Inhabited World: New & Selected Poems 1970-1995 (The Wallace Stevens Society Press, 1995). He has also published one fiction collection, Descending Fire & Other Stories (New Directions, 1994). His stories, poems and essays have appeared in The American Poetry Review, Yale Review, The Massachusetts Review, New York Quarterly, Hotel Amerika, 5am, and FutureCycle, among others. Poems from his two recent manuscripts, Older Than Our Fathers and Algorithms, have appeared in New York Quarterly, Mudlark, and The Kenyon Review. Allman is a Pushcart Prize winner in Poetry, a recipient of the Helen Bullis Award from Poetry Northwest, and a two-time National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in Creative Writing (Poetry).
Photo by Eileen Allman