From Three Words of a Magnetic Poetry Set Found
Caked in Dirt Beneath James Merrill’s Last
Rick Hilles is the author of Brother Salvage (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006), which received the 2005 Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize and was named the 2006 Poetry Book of the Year by ForeWord Reviews. Boundary Waters, his forthcoming collection, will be available from the University of Pittsburgh Press in 2012. His work appears or is forthcoming in Harper’s Magazine, The Hudson Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, The Nation, The New Republic, Salmagundi, Field, Witness, New South, Salt Hill, and Southeast Review. Hilles is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award in 2008, and a Larry Levis Editor’s Prize in 1999 from The Missouri Review. Hilles received fellowships and scholarships from the trustees of the estate of Amy Lowell, the Stegner Program at Stanford University, the Institute for Creative Writing at University of Wisconsin–Madison, the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France and the Liguria Study Center in Bogliasco, Italy. Hilles earned his MFA from Columbia University and is an assistant professor in English and creative writing at Vanderbilt University.
Photo by Linda Gellman