Eleanor Writes She’s Reading Rimbaud
In The Show We’ve Been Watching The Unloved Beautiful
July at Rose Blumkin
Susan Aizenberg is the author of Muse (Southern Illinois University Press, 2002), part of the Crab Orchard Award Series in Poetry and the recipient of the 2003 Levis Reading Prize; and a chapbook-length collection of poems, Peru (Graywolf Press, 1997), which appears in Take Three: 2/AGNI New Poets Series. She is also the coeditor of The Extraordinary Tide: New Poetry by American Women (Columbia UP, 2001). Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI, Chelsea, The Journal, Midwest Quarterly Review, Prairie Schooner, and Spillway, among others. She is a professor of creative writing and English at Creighton University.
Photo by Jeffrey Aizenberg