blackbirdonline journalFall 2013 Vol. 12 No. 2
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A joint venture of the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2013 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


Virginia Commission for the Arts

Culture Works


Susan Aizenberg
   Eleanor Writes She’s Reading Rimbaud
   In The Show We've Been Watching The Unloved Beautiful
   July at Rose Blumkin

Lacy Barker
   Fight or Flight
   The Lost Boys
   Ma the Movie Star

Sandra Beasley
   The Traveler’s Vade Mecum, Line #346: “The Banks Have Begun to Contract”
   The Traveler’s Vade Mecum, Line #1181: “The Calamity is Not Serious”
   The Traveler’s Vade Mecum, Line #4646: “Vegetation Grows Rapidly”

Sidney Burris
   Aubade: Homesong
   Dream Cargo

Wyn Cooper

R.H.W. Dillard
   Radical Primaticism

Norman Dubie
   The Carceral
   Last Page of His First Novel, Called The Sisters Grim.
   Snow Down in Hong Kong

John W. Evans
   Young Widower

John Hoppenthaler
   Some Men

L.S. Klatt
   A Moral Color

Larry Levis
   Elegy with a Darkening Trapeze Inside it
   Ghost Confederacy
   God Is Always Seventeen
   La Strada
   The Necessary Angel
   A Singing in the Rocks

Norman Lock
   from Alphabets of Desire and Sorrow: A Book of Imaginary Colophons
   Alphabet of Barbed Wire
   Alphabet of the Peacock’s Eyes
   Alphabet of Stones

Aditi Machado
   A new science

Edward Mayes
   [In London, 1973, watching Ultimo Tango in Parigi]
   [Because the queue was far longer for the question]
   [To those of us who would rather be alive]
   [The shutters close slowly in the camera]
   [After we found the sack of tchotchkes in the garage]

Michael McGriff
   poems from Home Burial
   The Cow 
   In February 
   New Civilian 
   Note Left for My Former Self 
   new poems
   Figures in the Landscape 
   Reasons for Staying 
   The Watch 

Christopher Munde

B.A. Newmark
   In a City of Red Ideas
   Soon, We Will Give In

Michael C. Peterson
   [For fury the Penitent may say]
   [So long on Tantrum now]
   [Something of occupation]
   [When gluttony is less than ruinous]

Catherine Pierce
   The Tornado Visits the Town
   The Teenager Watches the Tornado in Her Rearview
   After the Tornado, the Checkout Clerk Considers Leaving

Rebekah Remington
   Little Invocation
   My Head a Pine Cabinet with Female Cardinal Ascending

Iliana Rocha
   Elegy 2
   I Leave
   La Estrella

Sara Sams
   The Marriage Voyage of Juan Ramón Jiménez 1916

Maya Sarishvili
translated from the Georgian by Nene Giorgadze and Timothy Kercher
   [Let my husband know]
   [New days are like the changing of water.]

Corinna McClanahan Schroeder
   Haibun for the Grantham Station Platform
   Ritual with Seven Selves

Diane Seuss
   Is there still a Betty in this new life?
   It Seems Like a Poem Should Smile Wide, with Rotten Teeth
   We fear the undulant

Leah Soderberg

Mathias Svalina
   The Wine-Dark Sea (I)
   The Wine-Dark Sea (II)
   The Wine-Dark Sea (III)
   The Wine-Dark Sea (IV)

Alexandra Teague
   House Raising

Brian Teare
   The Argument
   The Fire
   The Scab
   The Stairs

Allison Titus
   The True Book of Animal Homes

Amy Tudor
   Death Is Not a Cormorant

Jeanne Murray Walker
   November, Two AM
   Something to Work With
   Trying to Save You
   The Two Selves
   Where Can I Go to Find You

Yang Jian
translated from the Chinese by Ye Chun and Paul B. Roth
   Secret Kindness
   Winter Day

Rebekah Zhuraw
   Sonnet for Nietzsche

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