Huge Piece of Building
So big it blocks out the sky, so big it could be the sky
and us under it. Us the insects beneath the flat rock
some titan hand has lifted to peek under. Us the dirt
those insects walk on and burrow through. Us the end
of this, okay? Enough! At the butt of a skyscraper staring up
the man on the ledge is visible, but only just. And it’s just
we’ll only know him if he jumps, though he knows us now.
From where he stands, he sees us swarming. The red eyes
of our emergency vehicles. The flashes of our cameras.
And between us, a whole building rests like a bridge
we were never meant to cross. And on that bridge is a sign
we were never meant to read, though they knew we would try.
And Here It Seems the Author Died
Huge Piece of Building