translations by Jesse Lee Kercheval
The Bridge
A Horrible Shock
In Memoriam
Circe Maia is the author of nine books of poetry, including her collected poems, Obra poética (Rebeka Linke Editoras, 2007). She has also written an autobiographical novel, Un Viaje a Salto (Ediciones del Nuevo Mundo, 1987), which was published in a bilingual edition in the U.S. by Swan Isle Press in 2004. In the novel, Maia recounts her experience of the 1972 civic-military dictatorship in Uruguay, in which military police invaded her home and arrested her husband due to his support of the MLN-Tupamaros, leaving Maia behind with the couple’s youngest daughter, to whom she had just given birth. She has lived most of her life in Tacuarembó in northern Uruguay.