with Paramita Banerjee, translating Debarati Mitra
The Green Stigma
No, No, and No
Carolyne Wright is the author of the anthology Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace (Lost Horse Press, 2015). She has published nine award-winning books and chapbooks of her own poetry, a collection of essays, and an ALTA National Translation Award-winning volume of poems by Jorge Teillier. Her translations from Bengali include Another Spring, Darkness: Selected Poems of Anuradha Mahapatra (Calyx Books, 1996) The Game in Reverse: Poems of Taslima Nasrin (George Braziller, 1995), and Majestic Nights: Love Poems of Bengali Women (White Pine Press, 2008). Wright spent four years on Indo-U.S. Subcommission and Fulbright Senior Research fellowships in India and Bangladesh, translating the work of Bengali women writers. She has received numerous translation grants and fellowships and has been a research associate at Harvard University, Wellesley College, and Emory University. She is on the faculty of the Whidbey Writers Workshop MFA Program.