After Reading the News This Morning, I Turn to the
of My Ancestors: A Found Poem
Remembers Her Soldier
Now That You're
Susan Aizenberg is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, Quiet City (BkMk Press, 2015) and Muse (Crab Orchard Poetry Series/SIUP, 2002); a chapbook, Peru,in the Take Three: 2/AGNI New Poets Series (Graywolf Press, 1997); and is co-editor, with Erin Belieu, of The Extraordinary Tide: New Poetry by American Women (Columbia University Press, 2001). Her awards include the Levis Reading Prize, a Crab Orchard Poetry Series Award, and the Nebraska Book Award for Poetry. Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Bosque, James Dickey Review, North American Review, and elsewhere. Aizenberg is Professor Emerita of creative writing and English at Creighton University’s MFA and undergraduate creative writing programs, and teaches at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival in Iowa City.
Photo by Jeffrey Aizenberg