translations by Amy Newman
Luci libere
Odore di fieno
Antonia Pozzi (1912–1938) was a poet and photographer born in Milan, who took her life in 1938. None of her poetry was published during her lifetime. Among her papers were notebooks containing over three hundred poems, a number of which were posthumously altered by her father Roberto, and then published. In 1989, editors Alessandra Cenni and Onorina Dino restored the poems to their original form in Parole (Àncora, 2015), an authoritative text of Pozzi’s poetry, the most recently revised edition of which is Tutte le opere (Garzanti, 2009), edited by Cenni. Writer and biographer Graziella Bernabò has said of Pozzi that she was “not only . . . one of the most interesting voices in Italian poetry of the 1920s and 1930s, but also a figure ahead of her time, a forerunner of a later vision of life and poetic sensitivity.”
The copyright for the poems and photograph of Antonia Pozzi belongs to the International Insubric Center “Carlo Cattaneo” and “Giulio Preti” for the Philosophy, the Epistestemologia, the Cognitive Sciences and the History of the Science and Techniques of the University of the Studies of Insubria, depositary and owner of the whole Archive and Library of Antonia Pozzi.