Blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsSpring 2023  Vol. 21  No.3
an online journal of literature and the arts
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translation from Homeric Greek by Denise Low

The (Chaotic) Constellations and (Chaotic) Planets

~   ~Serpens joins its head to its tail   ~   ~ escapes Asclepius the Healer   ~
   ~ hisses at Taurus the Bull   ~   ~   ~   slithers to the Equator

Lion roars flames at Canis the Dog   ^ ^ ^   swipes at the Crab’s claws^   ^^   ^

switches his tail like a whip \   \   \   \   \   flogs Virgo the
Maiden \   \   \   \   \

Virgo darts out of her place in the Zodiac circle * * *      * * *
past Boötes the Herdsman
to his wagon near the North Pole.
She shivers alone in the cold polar night.   | *

Morning Star bullies past the Evening Star in the West and takes its place.
+       +         +

Eos the Dawn walks deep space    ☼

The blue-hot star Sirius leaps at the Big Bear, Ursa Major, scorching its fur    ++   /\/\   ++

The two fishes of Pisces < / >
one headed North
the other South

break apart.
</                   />

Dolphin splashes into Capricorn’s place and tumbles with the monster goat with a fish’s tail.
   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^   ^^^

Moon carouses midday sky O
fades without the torch of the Sun’s rays. o

Scorpio -^ wakens from its trance
scuttles after Orion, raising its stinger at the giant.   -^   -^   -^   -^   -^

Chorus of the seven Pleiades resonates among the planets
a cacophony
interrupting the seven spheres in their celestial song.
oo o o o o o

The planets jostle out of position
Venus challenging Zeus

Mars pushing aside Father Cronus.    ♀♂    ♀♂    ♀♂    ♀♂

Faithful Hermes son of Zeus
abandons the careening chariot
no longer keeping
steady course

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