translation & commentary by Todd Fredson
Nonfiction by Todd Fredson
The Most Dangerous Crossing: Reconstituting
Nationality in Josué Guébo’s Songe à Lampedusa
Josué Guébo is the author of five collections of poetry, one collection of short stories, and two books of scholarship. His most recent collection of poetry, Songe à Lampedusa / Think of Lampedusa (Silex / New South, 2014), won the 2014 Tchicaya U Tam'si Prize for African Poetry. Guébo served as president of the Ivorian Writers’ Association from 2011 to 2016. A doctor of history and philosophy of the sciences, he is a professor at the University of Félix Houphouët-Boigny of Cocody in Abidjan, Côte-d’Ivoire.