Self-Portrait with an Ice Pick
La Bufera: Our Last Trip to Sicily
Taste of Cherry
Introductions: A Reading Loop
Tracking the Muse | The Soup and the Clouds
Kara Candito’s book of poetry, Taste of Cherry (University of Nebraska Press, 2009), was the winner of the 2008 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in poetry. Her poetry and criticism have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Gulf Coast, Prairie Schooner, Nimrod International Journal, Poet Lore, and The Florida Review, and she has been anthologized in Best New Poets 2007 (Samovar). Candito has been awarded an Academy of American Poets Prize and a scholarship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. She is currently a PhD candidate in English at Florida State University with a concentration in poetry and literary theory.
Photo by Wayne E. Chinnock