Clockwork Erotica: Why He Takes Off His Glasses
When Telekinesis Fails
Elegy: I Pass by the Erotic Bakery
He Has Given His Face to the Waters of the Lake
Letter to the City Bayou by Its Sign:
Beware Alligators
Night with Eros in the Story of Leather (2)
The Mirror's Lake Is Forever
Introductions: A Reading Loop
Tracking the Muse | Everyone Needs A Little Thanatos
Anna Journey’s book of poetry, If Birds Gather Your Hair for Nesting (University of Georgia, 2009), was selected by Thomas Lux for the National Poetry Series. Her poems are published in a number of journals, including The American Poetry Review, FIELD, and The Kenyon Review, and her essays have appeared in Blackbird, Notes on Contemporary Literature, and Parnassus. She is currently a PhD candidate in creative writing and literature at the University of Houston and a poetry editor for Gulf Coast.
Photo by F.M. Turner