Below is the order in which the editors suggest you read, view, and listen to the current issue of Blackbird. This list only reflects content published with the issue May 2009. For additional content added over the life of the issue, see Features.From the top menus, you may alternately browse the current issue
of Blackbird by
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Nicky Beer
Dreamy Willie and the Trinity of Cows
Catalog Note: Article of Venusian Handicraft
Restoration Portrait
Rimbaud's Kraken
Kara Candito
Self-Portrait with an Ice Pick
La Bufera: Our Last Trip to Sicily
Taste of Cherry
Anna Journey
Clockwork Erotica: Why He Takes Off His Glasses When Telekinesis Fails
Elegy: I Pass by the Erotic Bakery
He Has Given His Face to the Waters of the Lake
Letter to the City Bayou by Its Sign: Beware Alligators
Night with Eros in the Story of Leather (2)
The Mirror’s Lake Is Forever
Taylur Thu Hien Ngo
I Am My Rooster
Claudia Emerson
A Reading by Claudia Emerson
Randy Marshall
Platform: An Introduction to Claudia Emerson
Philip Levine
Night Ship to Ceuta
The Privilege of Power, 1965
Jean Valentine
If a Person Visits Someone in a Dream, in Some Cultures the Dreamer Thanks Them
Catherine MacDonald
Leda at Work in the World
Sweet Box
Rousing the Machinery
Transitions for Dancers When Dance Is No Longer an Option
Jehanne Dubrow
Two selections from A Thousand Penelopes | Jehanne Dubrow
New Old-Girl
Where the Navy Sends You
Myron Helfgott
Tyranny of the Theoretical
Christine Schutt
The Girl Needs to Be Kissed
Victoria Chang
Elegy with a Chinese Checkerboard
Dear P. XXI
Dear P. XXIV
Dear P. XXVI
Rita Mae Reese
Meaning To Milk
Within Five Miles of Home
The Whore’s Guide to Etymology
Julie Funderburk
Planetarium (One Adult Admission)
Erika Meitner
The Upstairs Notebook
Treatise on Travel
Nick Admussen
Police Report, November 25, 2007
Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet
Suburban Pastoral
View from the Headlands
Joshua Rivkin
New Direction
Harold Street Eclogue
Claire Bateman
Selections from Otherwhere
Ann Fisher-Wirth
Tales from the Dark Hotel
Mary Petrosky
Domestic Economics
Jessica Ratigan
March 19, 2003
Alexis Apfelbaum
We’re at a Party
Maureen Alsop
Moth, Horse, Accident, Skin
Diane Seuss
spring’s confessional poem
what is it darling, that draws you to me? it’s probably insipid,
Jasmine Dreame Wagner
Emily Smith
Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #541
Mary Lee Allen
Book Review | Hardscrabble, by Kevin McFadden
Sandra Beasley
Book Review | The History of Anonymity, by Jennifer Chang
Craig Beaven
Book Review | The Boatloads, by Dan Albergotti
Catherine MacDonald
Book Review | Making a Map of the River, by Thorpe Moeckel,
and In the Truth Room, by Dana Roeser
Matthew Myers
Book Review | Mission Work, by Aaron Baker
Patty Paine
Book Review | The View from Zero Bridge, by Lynn Aarti Chandhok
Jesse Ulmer
Book Review | Undiscovered Country, by Lin Enger
Grant White
Book Review | The Learners, by Chip Kidd
Susan Settlemyre Williams
Book Review | Flight: New and Selected Poems, by Linda Bierds