Elegy with a Chinese Checkerboard
Dear P. XXI
Dear P. XXIV
Dear P. XXVI
Victoria Chang’s second book of poems, Salvinia Molesta, was published in 2008 by the University of Georgia Press as part of the VQR Poetry Series. Her first collection, Circle (Southern Illinois University Press, 2005),won the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Award and the Association of Asian American Studies Book Award. Her work has been anthologized in The Best American Poetry 2005 (Scribner), and has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as The Paris Review, Poetry, The Washington Post, and New England Review. Chang has also edited an anthology, Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation (The University of Illinois Press, 2004). Chang lives in Irvine, California, where she works as a business researcher and
Photo by Peter Stember