Ann Fisher-Wirth’s third book of poems, Carta Marina, will be published by Wings Press in the spring of 2009. She is the author of two other full-length poetry collections: Five Terraces (Wind Publications, 2005) and Blue Window: Poems (Archer Books, 2003). She has also published two chapbooks: The Trinket Poems (Wind Publications, 2003) and Walking Wu Wei’s Scroll (Drunken Boat, 2005). Fisher-Wirth’s awards include The Malahat Review’s Long Poem Prize, a Rita Dove Poetry Award, a Poetry Award from the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters, and two Poetry Fellowships from the Mississippi Arts Commission. She has also held Fulbright Lectureships in Switzerland and Sweden. Fisher-Wirth’s work has been anthologized in When She Named Fire: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry by American Women (Autumn House Press, 2008) and White Ink: Poems on Mothers and Motherhood (Demeter Press, 2007). Her poetry has appeared in a number of literary journals, including 32 Poems, Connecticut Review, Prairie Schooner, and RUNES.
Photo by Robert Jordan