blackbirdonline journalFall 2009  Vol. 8  No. 2


                                                                                     He thinks he likes
                              the flat white stones the best, it stands out from
                              its neighbors, soft red bricks and fire escapes
                              and nothing for the imagination, he stands
                              on the sidewalk outside, in front of the East End Temple—
                              that is what it’s called but there’s no inside,
                              it’s boarded up, he reads the notices, he
                              reads the work permit, Department of Buildings
                              expires 6–29–04, approved
                              12–31–03, issued 1–
                              08–04, work permit no. 1
                              03677 610,
                              remove the area of damaged brick
                              on north wall and replace, provide structural
                              support, install steel posts and channels, attach
                              steel plates and ties; but now he thinks the work
                              will never be done, the building next door is for sale,
                              the high priest lived there, now the corner is doomed,
                              a derrick is moving up 23rd—


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