blackbirdonline journalSpring 2015  v14n1
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A joint venture of the Department of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and New Virginia Review, Inc.

Copyright © 2014 by Blackbird and the individual writers and artists

ISSN 1540-3068


Virginia Commission for the Arts

Culture Works


Kimberly L. Becker

Joshua Bennett
   On Flesh
   Samson Reconsiders

Rebecca Black

Jacob Boyd
   Eight Million in Cash from Armored Cars

Jenny Browne
   From Which the Method of Drawing in Space Between the Trees Instead of the Trees
      Themselves Might Well Be Employed
   In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing
   Jean Valentine Was Here
   Nine Miles outside Comfort, Texas
   The Oldest Story

Anders Carlson-Wee
   Flood of ’97
   The Raft

Sarah Crossland
   Death Mask

Aleš Debeljak
translated from the Slovene by Brian Henry
   Schoolboy’s Blues
   When You Get Out of Prison
   Yesterday a House, Today Nothing

Chard deNiord
   Poem on My 60th Birthday

Benjamin Goldberg
   Foregone Psalm
   Sound Wall

Stephen Haven
   Equal, Always Equal, to the Inexpressible

Lauren Hilger
   Almanac of What’s Real

Gentris L. Jointe
   The Other Side
   Waiting for the Diverted Trolley at 40th & Market St.

Elisa Karbin
   The Auspices

Laura Kolbe
   Fatti maschii parole femine

Celeste Lipkes

Kyle McCord
   Disciplining the Body
   Elegy for the Deodand
   Politics of the Afterlife

Kat Meads
   P’town Triolets for the Poet Maisel (1942–2006)

Matthew Minicucci
   Brief Song of the Almost-Lost

Rosalie Moffett
   Outside Pasco
   Rosalie Ruth Moffett
   Weird Prayers

Tomás Q. Morín
   I Sing the Body Aquatic

C.L. O’Dell
   Dear Animal
   He Thinks in Squares and Melted Grass

Sam Pereira
   Ambien Oatmeal

Allan Peterson
   I Saw Everything
   Things on Purpose

Emilia Phillips
   Pastoral (Future Interstate)
   Pastoral (Radio)
   Pastoral (With One’s Head Out the Car Window)

Tomaž Šalamun
translated from the Slovene by Brian Henry
   Blue Flower

Diane Seuss
   A Poet Came to Town
   As a child I ate and mourned.
   It’s Like This

Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet
   Six Explanations for Migraine

Laura Van Prooyen
   San Antonio Dogs

Emily Vizzo
   Sea Cow
   Your Death vs. My Death

Jeff Whitney

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