Somewhere in Space
[A lens of cloud . . . ]
A lens of cloud, a sighting around a sheet
of white, what can she see, the cat
with the injured eye. Thornbush, rat bite,
I follow her through grass, her path to the tractor
seat warmed by sun, her eye a swirled cloud,
white marble. A week in spring and it does not
get better. I borrow traps, open tuna
and now she stays further away. In Virginia
my aunt is ill, who with her own
failed sight could lob back a tennis ball
faster than I could run to it, who was in
San Francisco when the Pacific fleet returned
under the Golden Gate Bridge, said they threw
their caps in the air and everybody cheered
that generation, what will we do. Lights reflect
on the Thames River, New London skyline,
what will we see?