blackbirdan online journal of literature and the artsFall 2015  Vol. 14 No. 2
an online journal of literature and the arts
Patty Paine

Patty Paine is the author of Grief & Other Animals (Accents Publishing, 2015), The Sounding Machine (Accents Publishing, 2012), Feral (Imaginary Friend Press, 2012), and Elegy & Collapse (Finishing Line Press, 2005). Her poems, reviews, and interviews have appeared in Blackbird, Verse Daily, The Atlanta Review, Gulf Stream, and The Journal, among others. She is the coeditor of The Donkey Lady and Other Tales from the Gulf (Berkshire Academic Press, 2013) and Gathering the Tide: An Anthology of Contemporary Arabian Gulf Poetry (Garnet Publishing & Ithaca Press, 2011). She is the founding editor of diode poetry journal and Diode Editions. She is the Interim Director of Liberal Arts & Sciences and an assistant professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar where she teaches writing and literature.  end

Photo by Law Alsobrook