from Calling a Wolf a Wolf
Portrait of The Alcoholic with Home
Invader and Housefly
Thirstiness is Not Equal
new poems
Against Memory
What I Am Looking for Is What Is Looking
21st Annual Levis Reading Prize
A Conversation with Kaveh Akbar
Levis Remembered
Kaveh Akbar is the author of the poetry collection Calling a Wolf a Wolf (Alice James Books, 2017) and the chapbook Portrait of the Alcoholic (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2017). His poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Best American Poetry, The Guardian, The Nation, The New Republic, The New York Times, The New Yorker, PBS NewsHour, Ploughshares, Poetry, The Poetry Review, and Tin House, among others. He is the recipient of multiple honors including a Poetry Foundation Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship, a Pushcart Prize, the Levis Reading Prize, and a Lucille Medwick Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. Akbar was born in Tehran, Iran, and teaches at Purdue University and in the low-residency MFA programs at Randolph College and Warren Wilson College.