Blackbird an online journal of literature and the arts Spring 2008 Vol. 7 No. 1



Two translations of Iman Mersal
   The Visit

A poem by Khaled Mattawa
   The Room Is Cluttered, the Suitcase Night Thunder

Khaled Mattawa is the author of three books of poetry: Ismailia Eclipse (The Sheep Meadow Press, 1995), Zodiac of Echoes (Ausable Press, 2003), and Amorisco (forthcoming from Ausable Press). He has translated seven volumes of contemporary Arabic poetry and edited two anthologies of Arab American literature. Mattawa has received a Guggenheim Fellowship, an NEA translation grant, an Alfred Hodder Fellowship from Princeton University, and three Pushcart Prizes. He teaches creative writing in the MFA program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  

Photo by Amanda Abel